Learning Climate Scan

A Learning Organisation? That's how it is.

Leerklimaat Scan | Leercultuur | Zelfsturend Leren | UP learning

The Learning Climate Scan provides insight into your Learning Culture

A Learning Organisation remains relevant in the long term. That’s why it strives for a Learning Culture in which self-directed learning is a matter of course. How is the Learning Climate in your organisation? The Learning Climate Scan identifies four main elements that influence the Learning Culture:

  • individual employee
  • corporate culture
  • learning landscape
  • work characteristics

Both managers and employees provide the input. Want to know how it works?

Leerklimaat Scan | Leercultuur | Zelfsturend Leren | UP learning

Developed by UP with the University of Twente

In collaboration with Dr. Mireille Hubers and Dr. Maaike Endedijk (both of Twente University), Learning Consultant Marloes Onclin developed the Learning Climate Scan.

Together, they wrote the article, “Is your organisation ready for Self-Directed Learning?“. It describes both the importance and the structure of the Learning Climate Scan. The article also appeared in the trade journal of the Dutch Corporate Universities Foundation (NSCU).


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Advice without obligation? Just ask!

Would you like to promote Self-Directed Learning in your organisation? We are happy to advise you on the possibilities. Without obligation.

Ster Hutten | UP learning
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