
Learning Analytics for Moodle and Totara

IntelliBoard | Learning Analytics | UP learning

Managers keep track of employee motivation

Managers who have insight into the engagement and motivation of employees. IntelliBoard identifies, reports and analyses.

  • Employee engagement
  • Analysis course
  • Content analysis course
  • Progress

Dashboard for engagement, content and risk management

The IntelliBoard dashboard shows you up-to-date information on the state of your LMS, progress of teams and individual trainees, and courses & tests.

  • Dashboard for employees and managers
  • Signalling
  • Support for multiple roles
  • Real-time customisable reports
  • Compatible with Moodle and Totara

Give employees insight and control

IntelliBoard provides trainees with a personal dashboard in the LMS showing their progress and activities. This is how you trigger Self-Directed Learning.

  • Benchmark
  • Tests ‘still to do’/completed
  • Course progress
  • Participation in activities
  • Correlations and indicators
IntelliBoard | Learning Analytics | Screenshot | UP learning

Managers have continuous insight into risks

What about employee motivation and engagement? Where do employees drop out? IntelliBoard identifies, reports and analyses. 

  • Take-up, progress and success of the courses
  • Employee engagement
  • Progress and employee test results
  • Overall view, so managers know where to intervene

Advice without obligation? Just ask!

How can you improve your information provision with IntelliBoard? We are happy to advise you on the possibilities. Entirely without obligation. Agreed.

Ster Hutten | UP learning
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